At Transport Planning Practice, we specialise in producing Transport Assessments. A good Transport Assessment is vital to promote development and aid clients in meeting their aspirations for unlocking and maximising site potential, meeting commercial viability and creating the best mix and flexibility of land uses to meet the current and future economic climates.
At TPP we recognise the importance of early stakeholder engagement by working with the highway authorities to secure agreement of the main parameters of the Transport Assessment pre-submission. This, more often than not, enables contributions and the financial costs of transport mitigation to be minimised, which aids the viability of developments.
What Should a Transport Impact Assessment Contain?
A Transport Assessment will usually be prepared as part of the planning process for the benefit of a developer, as well as for review by local authorities in deciding whether planning permission should be granted. In essence, they provide a complete assessment of:
- The accessibility of the site in the context of transport infrastructure;
- The expected impact of a proposed development on the transport network. This includes the volume of trips likely to be generated by a particular development across all different modes (car, bike, bus, rail and walking). A Transport Assessment will assess the suitability of the site and of transport infrastructure to cope with any net increase in trips arising from a proposed development.
- The measures that would be taken to control or mitigate any impacts arising from the proposed development. This might include junction modelling (link to the other sheet), junction improvements, Travel Planning (link) which seeks to promote opportunities for sustainable travel such as walking, cycling, public transport and reduced single-occupancy car use.
For more information about our Transport Assessment service, please get in touch.